Sabtu, 09 Maret 2013

Jual beli

How much are the apples ?

Peter             : I want some apples, Jane.
Jane              : Apples ?
Peter             : Yes, they're cheap.
Jane              : Oh, look. they're nice apples.
Peter             : Oh yes, they are nice. How much are they ?
Jane              : Excuse me! Those apples. How much are they ?
Shopkeeper  : They're cheap. Thirty pence for six
Jane              : Yes, they are cheap. Five pence for one
Peter             : I want three
Jane              : Can I have three apples, please?
Shopkeeper  : Certainly, madam. Here you are. Three apples
Jane              : Thank you. How much ?
Shopkeeper  : Eighteen pence, please
Peter             : Eighteen pence! But three fives are fifteen
Jane              : Yes. three fives are fifteen
Shopkeeper  : Thirty pence for six, madam. But six pence for one. Three sixes are eighteen.
                       Eighteen pence please
Peter             : Six pence for one. Oh, they're dear
Jane               : Yes, they are dear
Peter             : We'll buy somethung else

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